The NCGT Journal is a well known source of relevant theory and research especially in the fields of global tectonics and earthquake research. In recent years a new corpus of research has linked climate change and solar activity and solar system gravitational effects to climate change on Earth. This wealth of new research has added much to the decades of previous work reported in the New Concepts in Global Tectonics - NCGT Journal and its predecessor, the NCGT Newsletter. This page displays resultant praise from respected scientists for this long contribution to science in many fields of research.
What Others Are Saying About the NCGT Journal
Panoramic view of Chakachamma Lake entrance, Alaska, USA.
Source: USGS James Jones, Alaska Science Center

"It is fair to say that NGGT Journal is not only an interesting scientific magazine, but also it is a real international platform for discussion of diverse essential problems – from fundamentals to applications. Around NGGT Journal the bright brains of Earth science researchers are consolidated, forming a united front to overcome the dominant, dogmatic ideas and successfully promoting and establishing new sound and challenging concepts. I wish You every success in future work in advancing independent and promising ideas on the Earth’s structure and evolution."
Permanent reader, Lidia Ioganson, Leading Researcher, Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS, Russia,
"I have been enjoying every edition of NCGT Journal. This is exactly what a scientific journal should contain – a multitude of ideas, rather than a single ruling paradigm and also of importance are the “human” stories."
Paul Burrell, Savan Resources Sole, Co., Ltd., Savannakhet, Laos,
"PLEASE keep up your excellent work in your NCGT - pushing against the barriers of ignorance and worse, outright prejudice."
Stephen Foster, England,
"Since joining NCGT in 1998 at the Tsukuba, Japan conference I've had the pleasure of networking with a host of outstanding scientists and enjoyed a unique forum for advancing New Concepts in Global Tectonics! Keep up the most excellent work and many thanks for advancing Earth Science into new and untold frontiers.... "
Bruce Leybourne, Research Director - , Institute for Advance Studies in Climate Change (IASCC)
"NCGT Journal is the most valuable scientific platform that publishes a wide range of original ideas of geodynamic problems, which are expressed in a way free from dominant, dogmatic, pre-set models. I learn a lot about latest developments in frontier geological science from the Journal. I wish you best of luck. "
Takayuki Kawabe, Yamagata University, Japan,